What color do bees like best?

The colors of flowers in nature can be described as diverse, but the most common are red, yellow, and white. In fact, the color of flowers is the result of natural selection. It varies with the insects that attract them for pollination. Here we come together. Take a look at What color do bees like best.

1, what color do bees like?

The favorite colors of bees are yellow, white, and blue, especially yellow is the most attractive to bees. This is why the plants that pollinate insects with bees as the main pollinator have yellow flowers in nature, such as the most common rapeseed flowers and sunflowers. At the same time, bees are also very sensitive to white. In fact, the choice of color by bees is the result of evolution, because generally yellow and white flowers are a sign of a large honey source.

2, How do bees find flowers?

1. Floral fragrance: There are a pair of antennae on the bee head, and the antennae have a particularly sensitive olfactory organ. Many plants emit floral fragrance when they bloom. Therefore, the bee can smell the fragrance of various flowers and accurately find the location of nectar with the antenna.

2. Color: When searching for nectar plants, bees do not fly in a straight line, but instead use a zig-zag pattern to search while flying. However, bees have different preferences on the color, and when they find yellow, white or blue flowers It flew up from time to time.

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