How to deal with the bee sting?

deal with the bee sting

1, Stay away from bees

The first thing to do when you are stung by a bee is to stay away from the swarm so as not to be stung again. When you are running, you should run in a straight line. It’s better to run in the wind (it’s not that you can run fast in the wind, it’s not as fast as a bee. It’s mainly because the wind will blow people’s smell to the front, and it’s easier to get rid of the bee’s pursuit). At the same time, protect your head, such as covering your head with clothes. Never try to get along with honey Bees are more and more brave, and more and more bees will come to help.

deal with the bee sting

2, Examine the injury

After arriving at a safe place, carefully check the injured place. Generally, the poisonous needle will stab the skin after the bee stings (in fact, the poisonous needle and some internal organs will hook in the skin after the bee stings, and it will die soon). If the poisonous needle stays in the skin, it will cause secondary injury. Therefore, it must be taken out in time, and it must not be squeezed during taking, so as to avoid the continuation of the remaining toxin of the poisonous needle Continue to be into the body, then forcefully grasp the stung part, suck out the toxin repeatedly with the mouth.

3, Clean the injury

The venom of bees is acid. After the needle is taken out, it can be washed with soap water, ammonia water, alkali water, etc. it should be noted that in some places, wasps, bees, etc. are called bees. The simplest difference is that bees can gather flowers to make honey and have a round body shape, while wasps are predatory insects. They can’t gather flowers to make honey and have a thin and long body shape. The opposite is wasps The venom is alkaline, so we should use vinegar and other acidic substances to synthesize. If we make a mistake, it will not work.

deal with the bee sting

4, Drug application

After the injury is cleaned, some medicine can be applied, such as Nantong snake medicine, Liushen Pill, etc. to help recover. If not, onion, cucumber juice, dandelion, lobelia, Viola, etc. can also be applied. In fact, if it’s only stung by bees, it can be completely ignored. In general, it can subside by itself within a few hours, but if it’s stung in a large number, deal with the problem The meeting will be resumed soon. PS: Xiaobian has been stung by his own bee for countless times. Anyway, I don’t care.

deal with the bee sting

5, Close observation

After being stung by a bee, it will subside by itself in a few hours, because a few people will have allergic reactions to bee venom, which will cause death in case of severe bee venom allergy. However, people with this constitution are very rare, but it’s no harm to observe closely and prevent actively. For example, when the pain is intolerable, you can take some painkillers. If the stung person has headache, dizziness, nausea Vomiting, fidgety, fever and other symptoms must be treated immediately in the hospital to avoid tragedy.

Note: it’s OK to take out the poisonous needle and clean the wound after being stung by a domestic bee. If it’s stung on the face, it’s better to deal with it. I suddenly want to laugh here. My nephew was stung once and just changed from a Chinese character face to a panda face, but it’s OK the next day, and then it won’t swell. Is it resistant?

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